Volunteer With Us
Become a Volunteer
We’re grateful to the volunteers who make it possible for us to bring food to neighbors and help people find home in Northern Michigan.
Please sign up to volunteer. Once you are registered with our volunteer platform VOMO, you can apply for a volunteer opportunity by selecting JOIN on one of the project pages!
*You can also sign up for court-ordered community service.
Court-Ordered Community Service
Volunteers completing court-ordered community service are welcome to apply to volunteer at our retail stores to fulfill their required hours.
Please sign up on this page to get started.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Goodwill Inn
Preparing Meals: Monday-Friday, 9 am - 12 noon
Serving Meals: Daily, 4:15 pm to 6:30 pm
Court-Ordered Community Service
Food Rescue
Food Repacking: Thursdays, 9 am - 12 noon
Route Volunteer: Monday-Friday, 6:30 am to 11 am or 2 pm (dependent on route)
Food Pickup at Farmer's Markets
Healthy Harvest - Gather Excess Produce at Farms