Make a Gift
With help from generous donors like you, Goodwill Northern Michigan is working to help 250 families and individuals experiencing homelessness in our region get off the streets and into housing, where they can be safe and have the dignity and stability they need to rebuild their lives. We're also powering Food Rescue, a program that brings nutritious food to the 40% of households in the Grand Traverse region that struggle to access the healthy food they need.
For over 50 years, Goodwill Northern Michigan has used our community-supported social enterprise — our thrift stores and donation centers — plus philanthropic donations from people like you, as our vehicle for change to fill in gaps in meeting basic human needs like housing and food insecurity. Your donation fuels essential programs like Food Rescue, Street Outreach, the Goodwill Inn, and Patriot Place. It creates hope and a continuum of support for some of our most vulnerable neighbors.
Thank you for making a gift online to support housing and food security today. You can also print and mail this form with a check.
Goodwill Northern Michigan is an independent nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors who live and work in Northern Michigan. Your donation to Goodwill Northern Michigan is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.