Helping People Find Home
How you can help
Nonperishable food and items for people and families experiencing homelessness can be donated at the Traverse City Donation Center on South Airport. We ask that items not be taken directly to the Goodwill Inn because we do not have the staff or facilities to process the donations. Right now, we are most in the need of tarps. Be sure to tell our team members that the donations are for Housing and Homeless services.
Welcome Home Baskets support people moving from homelessness into new homes. Read on for more information about the items needed and how you can help. Please drop Welcome Basket items off at the donation door of the Traverse City Goodwill Northern Michigan store on South Airport Road, too. Let them know the items are for Housing and Homeless services. Thank you!
The Basic Needs Coalition is looking for donations of warm clothes and healthcare items for our neighbors who are experiencing homelessness. You can order items online and have them delivered or you are welcome to drop them off at the donation door of the Traverse City Goodwill Northern Michigan store on South Airport Road. Please let the folks at the donation door know that the items are for the Basic Needs Coalition. Thanks so much for your help!
Welcome Home Baskets
Welcome Home Baskets support people moving from homelessness into new homes. When you are starting over in a housing unit that is new to you, often with no possessions of your own, a basket full of essential items can make the new space feel like home and support long-term housing stability. Each basket contains about $150 worth of items. We always need Welcome Home Basket items, and you can help!
Basic Needs
Basic Needs donations help keep our neighbors safe and warm while they work to end their homelessness. At any given time in the Grand Traverse region, over 200 families and individuals are living without a safe and secure home. The members of the Basic Needs Coalition work together to provide our neighbors in need with essential items they need to survive until a housing unit is available. Find out more about how you can help!