Donate for Good
Your donations make a big difference to neighbors in need
Your Donated Items Matter a Lot!
We gratefully accept your used items at our convenient and easy Goodwill Northern Michigan donation centers. We sell items in our thrift stores and online to fund our housing and food community programs. We also salvage items that we can’t sell to maximize the value of all donations we receive. Last year, we diverted 4,254,480 pounds of goods from landfills.
Every time you donate, we thank you with a coupon valid for 10% off a single purchase at any of our thrift stores.
Yes, Donate
Sporting Goods and Games
Books, Records, Tapes, CDs, Videos
House Wares
Art, Pictures, Mirrors
Antiques and Collectibles
Small Tools
Small Appliances and Electronics
Any Computer Equipment (except CRT monitors)
Vehicles (to donate a vehicle, call CARS at 855-500-7433)
Please Do NOT Donate
CRT Monitors
Car Seats
Sofa Beds
Used Mattresses
Poisonous and Hazardous Materials
Paint, Car Batteries, Flammable and Corrosive Materials
Microwave Ovens
Large Appliances (Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators)
Building Materials
Cribs, High Chairs, Pack-n-Plays, and Other Baby Furniture
Any Product Recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) Audiobooks and Audiobook Players
Please check this list before you leave for the donation center:
Check pockets of clothing for jewelry, money and other items you do not mean to donate.
Separate clothing from household items.
Test electrical equipment and battery-operated items to make sure they work.
Include all pieces and parts to games, toys and household appliances.
Remove clothing from hangers.
Double check that you mean to donate all items you have packed.
Thank you for donating!