Donations to Help End Homelessness

Ways to help

Welcome Home Baskets

Welcome Home Baskets help people moving from homelessness into new homes start off strong. When you are starting over in a housing unit that is new to you, often with no possessions of your own, a basket full of essential items can make the new space feel like home and help support long-term housing stability. Each basket contains about $150 worth of items. The Homeless Coalition is always in need of Welcome Home Basket supplies, year round. Use these links to view lists of items needed.

Basic Needs

Basic Needs donations help keep our neighbors safe and warm while they work to end their homelessness. At any given time in the Grand Traverse region, over 200 people struggle to survive without a safe and secure home. We work with the other members of the Basic Needs Coalition to provide our neighbors in need with essential items they need to survive until they are able to exit homelessness. Use the links below to view lists of the items needed.

Ways to help people experiencing
homelessness this holiday season

Sponsor a Welcome Home Basket Drive

Schools, church groups, and other organizations have held drives for Welcome Home Basket needs, and you can, too! Thank you!

Should I put the items I donate into small bags or kits?

No, please donate like items together, rather than separating them into “blessings bags” or small kits. That way, we can more easily get people just the items they need. Often, pre-assembled bags have items people do not want, which leads to waste. Best to simply donate the items. Along with our partners in the Basic Needs Coalition, we’ll be able to allow people to select the items they need.

Where can I drop off or send my donations?

You can purchase and send items online, or purchase items locally and drop them at the donation door of our Traverse City store at 2279 South Airport Rd. Be sure to tell us that the donations are for people experiencing homelessness so we can put them in the correct place.