Goodwill Inn Emergency Homeless Shelter
Goodwill Inn
Emergency homeless shelter year-round, helping people find home since 1986
If you are facing homelessness, please call the housing assistance line at 844-900-0500, click here, or email housing assistance for help.
If you or someone you know is facing homelessness, please call 844-900-0500, visit this web page, or email housing assistance for help.
The Goodwill Inn is a year-round, 120-bed emergency shelter that includes 11 suites for families. We provide safe, supportive shelter with food and other basic needs for adults and families experiencing homelessness, while we support their efforts to find safe, permanent housing solutions.
Housing-focused, low-barrier emergency shelters are a critical part of the work to end homelessness. We strive to maintain a high standard of shelter operations while focusing on housing solutions for shelter guests. During the pandemic, we have partnered with the Traverse Health Clinic to keep our guests and staff as safe as possible.
We are grateful to work with our partners at the Coalition to End Homelessness to find housing solutions for the people we serve. Statewide, an average of 19 percent of shelter guests exit to positive destinations. At the Goodwill Inn, our positive destination rate is closer to 40 percent. Together with our Coalition partners, we envision a community where homelessness is rare and brief.
DONATIONS—We are grateful to our community for the incredible support our homeless services provide. We are not able to handle donations directly at the Inn or at the Inn kitchen, but we welcome donations for our housing programs and for the Safe Harbor shelter at our Traverse City store and donation center at 2279 South Airport Road. Just tell the donation door attendant that you want the items to go to help people experiencing homelessness. We strive to make sure your donations are put to their highest and best use. Thank you!
If you or someone you know is facing homelessness in Northwest Michigan, please call 1-844-900-0500 for housing assistance.